09/19/2016 14:57-16:32 - Read primary and secondary sources for [[High-Skilled Visas for Entrepreneurs (Blog Post)]]. Created framework for blog post and linked draft.
09/20/2016 12:50 -xx15:xx 30 -Crafted framework for [[High-Skilled Visas for Entrepreneurs (Blog Post)]]. Will focus on the shortcomings of rule for existing international startups coming to America. Management meeting to discuss deliverables with Accenture, teaming and staffing for patent team. Will take Avesh and Christy on Patent Team. 09/21/2016 14:57-16:35 - [[High-Skilled Visas for Entrepreneurs (Blog Post)]] put on hold today. Worked with Avesh on patent data with USPTO and Lex Machina. Used regular expressions to create data on unique patents litigated in 2015. Wrote [[Regular Expression Cheat Sheet]] to chronicle steps taken. S/O to Jake for the regex help!