**'''In my recent days of interacting with the twitterverse, it has come to pass that Twitter is spectacular because of its malleability, flexibility and decentralized nature. All forms of social organization on Twitter is explicitly time-contingent and user-contingent. This is the why it is such an important hotbed for sociological research - it provides wonderful material for the study of social dynamics and social organization'''**'''In this vein, what we think of as the "Entrepreneurship Twitterverse" can be, more clearly, thought of as a time-contingent and very specific community shaped by its own trends, influencers, and cultural values, all of which are in turn shaped by the very specific people that are interested and involved in the same ideas/things. In our case, investments, foundings, IPOs, acquisitions etc'''**'''In light of this, does it make more sense for us to study deltas instead of things as-they-are?'''