The patent database contains the merged datasets from the USPTO bulk data and Harvard Dataverse using SQL. Specifics on how the datasets were merged are given in [[Patent Data Processing - SQL Steps]]. The patent database consists of 16 tables covering patents, patent litigation, patent maintenance, patent assignment, and other details on patent owners. Additionally, known issues with each table have been recorded.
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[[Assignee Table | assigneePatent]]: {{#section:Assignee_Table|assignee}}[[Citation Table | citation]]: {{#section:Citation_Table|citation}}[[Fee Table | fee]]: {{#section:Fee_Table|fee}}[[Fee Status Table | feestatus]]:{{#section:Fee_Status_Table|feestatus}}[[HistPatent Table | histpatent]]:{{#section:HistPatent_Table|hist}} [[LexJudge Table | lexjudge]]:{{#section:LexJudge_Table|judge}}[[Match Orgname Table | matchorgname]]:{{#section:Match_Orgname_Table|orgname}}
[[MSA List Table | msalistUSPTOAssigneesData]] [[MSA Wage Table | msawage]] [[Patent Table | patent]]:{{#section:Patent_Table|patent}}[[PTO Tables]] [[Stdorgname Table|stdorgname]]:{{#section:Stdorgname_Table|std}}
<ref name=IEEE > [] 'Why do Inventors Reference Papers and Patents in their Patent Applications?', IEEE (2010). </ref>