==Final Version==
*The final version was accepted to Research Policy on May 17th, 2021. *The 50-day share link is: https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1d8SaB5ASINVf*The title was changed to "A Framework for Assessing Municipal High-Growth High-Tech Entrepreneurship Policy"
Egan <pdf>File:Egan_(2021) _- A Framework for Assessing Municipal High_A_Framework_for_Assessing_Municipal_High-Growth HighGrowth_High-Tech Entrepreneurship PolicyTech_Entrepreneurship_Policy.pdf</pdf>
<pdf>File:Egan_The BibTeX reference is (2021pending update with volume and number)_-_A_Framework_for_Assessing_Municipal_High-Growth_High-Tech_Entrepreneurship_Policy.pdf</pdf>:
It was The final file series was v4-6-2 in:
Egan (2021) - A Framework for Assessing Municipal High-Growth High-Tech Entrepreneurship Policy.pdf
Production files (sent to ResPol):