*iitop5prop -- Proportion of shares held by the five largest institutional investors compared to all institutional investors
*iicount -- Number institutional investors
*blocktot -- Number of blockholders (institutional investors with >= 5% of shares)
From COMPUSTAT Fundamentals Annual (joined using CUSIP8 and year, where available):
*iifractot -- fraction of shares held by institutional investors
*iifractop5 -- fraction of shares held by top 5 institutional investors
*blockholders ====Old Governance Measures==== The following governance measures are listed under firm variables below: agovgoldenparachute - 0/1 for the CEO has a golden parachute (many missing) agovlimitabilityactbywritconsent - 0/1 whether governance has limited shareholders ability to act by written consent (many missing) agovmajvoterequirement -0/1 for whether board members are elected on majority or plurality, which matters for uncontested seats (many missing) agovresignrequiredonmajorityvote - number 0/1 "Indicates that a director is required to submit his/her resignation upon failing to receive support from a majority of blockholders votes cast (which, typically, the board may chose to accept or reject)." (institutional investors with >= 5% of sharesmany missing)
=====Reference Papers and their data=====