610 bytes added
, 18:31, 10 February 2021
|Has title=Wrds
|Has owner=Ed Egan
|Has project output=Data
|Has project status=Active
The [[Wrds]] project creates a database '''wrds''' populated with pulls from Wharton Research Data Services in February of 2021. The SQL load files are E:\projects\wrds.
On Feb 10, 2021, I pulled all 8 variables for the entire available date range (1980-1 to 2020-9) for the whole of '''Thomson Reuters Institutional (13f) Holdings - Type 3: Stock Holdings'''
*The wrds output file is l8jsrrkykedjokdb.txt
*The request page is: https://wrds-web.wharton.upenn.edu/wrds//ds/tfn/types/s34type3/index.cfm