Note: Those with access can view more details and help guides on my infrastructure from the [[Administration]] page. The [[Research Computing Configuration]] for both Father and Mother are publicly-available. Many visitors to this page are likely looking for the page on [[Addressing Ubuntu NVIDIA Issues]].
==BastardThree of the Five Gods==
'''Bastard''' is our dedicated multi-GPU compute environment. It is set up to support the latest GPU-based articifical artificial intelligence, data science, and statistical analysis techniques. See also [[Using the DevBox]], which provides examples on how to connect to and this blisteringly-fast parrellel parallel compute machine.
===Summary==='''Father''' is our Windows 2019 Server, which provides bulk storage on a RAID array and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) based computing and applications. The [[RDP Software Configuration]] page describes the software installed on Father.
{{:DIGITS DevBox}}'''Mother''' is our Linux server, running Ubuntu 20.04, and provides both the main structured data research computing environment (through Postgres 12), as well as the Apache2 web server and so the public-facing research computing platform.
==Father and Mother=Bastard===
'''Father''' is our Windows 2019 Server, which provides bulk storage on a RAID array and Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) based computing and applications. The [[RDP Software Configuration]] page describes the software installed on Father. '''Mother''' is our Linux server, running Ubuntu 20.04, and provides both the main structured data research computing environment (through Postgres 12), as well as the Apache2 web server and so the public facing research computing platform. {{:DIGITS DevBox}}
===SummaryFather and Mother===
{{:Research Computing Hardware}}