06/30/2016 05:00 -Continued to try and find firm birth rate statistics for various nations, found some for Israel, Canada and France but decided not worth time at the moment. Started first draft of [[5 Myths about Venture Capital (Blog Post)]]
07/101/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of [[Predicting Venture Capital (Blog Post)]] 07/05/2016 05:00 -Cleaned up wiki, finished first draft of [[Defining Venture Capital (Blog Post)]] by re-purposing the start of [[5 Myths about Venture Capital (Blog Post)]], and conducted research on GIS sources and data. 07/06/2016 05:00 -Finished first draft of [[Innovation and the U.S. Military (Blog Post)]] Though I think I may develop into a more long format tomorrow, could be a good policy proposal.