(1 row)
===Assignees & assigneesUSU Tables===
No information provided about the assignee. No entries for orgname or first and last names.
allpatent_clone=# SELECT COUNT(patentnumber) FROM assignees WHERE (orgname='' OR orgname IS NULL) AND (firstname='' OR firstname IS NULL) AND (lastname='' OR lastname IS NULL);
(1 row)
AssigneesUSU table was made with the following code:
SELECT orgname, patentnumber, country, firstname, lastname, state
INTO assigneesUSU -- assignees in US,unknown, and blank entries
FROM assignees
WHERE country IN ('US', '', 'unknown') OR (state IS NOT NULL AND state!='')
ORDER BY orgname;
allpatent_clone=# SELECT COUNT(patentnumber) FROM assigneesUSU WHERE (orgname='' OR orgname IS NULL) AND (firstname='' OR firstname IS NULL) AND (lastname='' OR lastname IS NULL);
(1 row)