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We examined all leaders in companies from 1980-2016 who have the titles of either chariman, CEO, CFO, COO, CIO, CTO, board member, President, Vice President, Founder, and Director. Of company members with those titles, only 29.8% were women. Of those women leaders, 22% were CEOs, 14% chairwomen, 27% CFOs, 26% COOs, 31% CIOs, 12% CTOs, 25% board members, 20% presidents, 34% vice presidents, 23% founders, and 39% directors. (from tables, PercentWomenXCompany, where X is job title)
Generally, the percentage of women in "leadership roles" in companies has trended upwards since 1980. (from companywomentot table) However, the number of women CEOs over the past two decades has not dramatically increased or decreased, aside from a dramatic upward spike in women CEOs during 2015.(from PercentWomenCEOCompanybyyear table)
Grouped by state, Michigan has highest percentage of women in leadership in its companies, coming in at 37.5%. Texas has 26.6%. Wyoming has a whopping 0%. (from womenstates)
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