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==Published Papers==Visitors to this page may be interested in my [[Job Market Paper]], [[Research Statement]] (which contains summaries of my research papers along with titles and abstracts), [[Projects]] page (which details work that is not yet ready for submission to peer-reviewed journals), and my [[Job Market Applications]] page (which provides complete sets of job market packets).
*[[Brander Egan Hellmann (2010) - Government Sponsored versus Private Venture Capital]]=Research Papers=
==Papers Submitted for Academic Publication*Egan, Edward J. (2013), ''How Start-up Firms Innovate:==Technology Strategy, Commercialization Strategy, and their Relationship'', Job Market Paper. ([[Job Market Paper|wikipage]],[[Media:Egan_(2013)_-_How_Startups_Innovate_(Job_Market_Paper).pdf|pdf]])
*[[Brander Egan , Edward J. (20072013) - The Role , ''Venture Capitalists as Vendors of VCs in AcquisitionsComplementary Components'', Job Market Companion Paper. ([[Job Market Paper|wikipage]])
==Published Policy Reports==*Brander, James A. and Edward J. Egan (2013), ''Investor Expectations and the Role of Venture Capitalists in Acquisitions'', University of British Columbia, Working Paper. Proceedings of the Annual Conference, Administrative Science Association of Canada, Banff, Alberta (June ‘06).([[Brander Egan (2007) - The Role of VCs in Acquisitions|wikipage]],[[Media:Brander_Egan_(2012)_-_Investor_Expectations_and_the_Role_of_Venture_Capitalists_in_Acquisitions.pdf | pdf]])
*Hellmann, Thomas F.Egan, Edward J. Egan & James E and David J. Brander Teece (20052013), "Value Creation in Venture Capital''Patent Thickets: A Comparison of Exit Values Across Canadian Provinces Taxonomy, Theory, Tests, and US States". Published by the PremierPolicy''s Technology Council, Government of British ColumbiaU.C. Berkeley Working Paper. ([[Media:Hellmann_Egan_Brander_(2005)_-_Value_Creation_in_Venture_Capital.pdf‎ Patent Thicket Literature Review| (Download PDF)wikipage]]*Brander, James A., Edward J. Egan & Anthony E. Boardman (2005), "The Equity Capital Program in British Columbia: An Assessment of Capital Availability, Program Efficiency, and Policy Alternatives". Published by the Ministry of Small Business and Economic Development, Government of British Columbia. [[Media:Brander_Egan_Boardman_Egan_Teece_(20052013)_-_The_Equity_Capital_Program_in_British_Columbia_Patent_Thickets_Theory_Taxonomy_Tests_and_Policy.pdf‎pdf| (Download PDF)pdf]])
==Term Papers / Discarded Work==*Brander, James A., Edward J. Egan and Louisa Yeung (2013), ''Estimating the Effects of Age on NHL Player Performance'', Revise and resubmit to the Journal of Quantitative Analysis of Sports ([[Winner's Curse |wikipage]],[[Media:Brander_Egan_Yeung_(2013)_-_Estimating_the_Effects_of_Age_on_NHL_Player_Performance.pdf| pdf]])
*Brander, James A., Edward J. Egan, and Thomas F. Hellmann (2010), ''Government Sponsored versus Private Venture Capital: Canadian Evidence'', in "International Differences In Entrepreneurship", J. Lerner and A. Schoar, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA. ([[Brander Egan Hellmann (2010) - Government Sponsored versus Private Venture Capital|wikipage]],[[Media:Brander_Egan_Hellmann_(2010)_-_Government_Sponsored_versus_Private_Venture_Capital.pdf|pdf]] ) =Published Policy Reports= *Hellmann, Thomas F., Edward J. Egan & James E. Brander (2005), "Value Creation in Venture Capital: A Comparison of Exit Values Across Canadian Provinces and US States". Published by the Premier's Technology Council, Government of British Columbia. [[Media:Hellmann_Egan_Brander_(2005)_-_Value_Creation_in_Venture_Capital.pdf‎ | (pdf)]] *Brander, James A., Edward J. Egan & Anthony E. Boardman (2005), "The Equity Capital Program in British Columbia: An Assessment of Capital Availability, Program Efficiency, and Policy Alternatives". Published by the Ministry of Small Business and Economic Development, Government of British Columbia. [[Media:Brander_Egan_Boardman_(2005)_-_The_Equity_Capital_Program_in_British_Columbia.pdf‎| (pdf)]] =Term Papers / Discarded Work= I wrote term papers for various courses, that might be of interest to other grad students. As is the way of term papers, most of them were written in a frantic caffeine-powered daze, so please expect them to be riddled with typos (occasionally to the point of unreadability). Please do not distribute or cite them. They are mostly posted as examples of failed research, but with the occasional interesting finding or idea (or at least a useful bibliography). *Oral Exam Paper: The Economic Meaning of Patent Citations - Value and Organization Form in Patenting Start-ups (Download [[Media:Egan_(2011)_-_The_Economic_Meaning_of_Patent_Citations_--_Submitted_for_Oral_Exam.pdf | PDF‎]],[[Media:Oral Exam Slides.pptx | Slides‎]], [[Media:Oral Exam Slides - Short Version.pptx | Slides (Abridged)‎]])*Second Year Paper(Berkeley): Strategic Patenting In Venture Capital Backed Firms (Download [[Media:Egan_(2010)_-_Strategic_Patenting_In_Venture_Capital_Backed_Firms_--_Submitted_as_Second_Year_Paper.pdf|PDF]], [[Media:Egan (2010) - Strategic Patenting in Venture Capital Backed Firms (BPP Student Seminar).ppt |Slides]])*PHDBA602 (Berkeley): A Property Rights Model of Patent Citations [[:Image:Egan (2011) - A Property Rights Model of Patent Citations.pdf |(Download PDF)]]*PHDBA602 (Berkeley): Bargaining Implications in Patent Networks [[:Image:Egan (2011) - Bargaining Implications in Patent Networks (BPP Student Seminar).pptx |(Download PPTX)]]*ECON224(Berkeley): Promoting Innovation - Government Participation in the US VC Market [[Media:Egan_(2009)_-_Promoting_Innovation_Government_Participation_in_the_US_VC_Market_--_Submitted_for_ECON224.doc |(Download DOC)]]*PHDBA279(Berkeley): Non-Market Strategy in Venture Capital [[Media:Egan_(2009)_-_NonMarket_Strategy_in_Venture_Capital_--_Submitted_for_PHDBA279.pdf |(Download PDF)]]*ECON566(UBC): US Venture Capital Policy Interventions [[Media:Egan_(2008)_-_US_Venture_Capital_Policy_Interventions_--_Submitted_for_ECON566.doc |(Download DOC)]]*COMM500 (UBC): Genetic Algorithms in Finance [[Media:Egan_(2007)_-_Genetic_Algorithms_in_Finance.doc |(Download DOC)]]*STAT520 (UBC): Cultural Identification using Linear Discriminant Analysis on Surnames [[Media:Egan_(2008)_-_Cultural_Identification_using_Linear_Discriminant_Analysis_on_Surnames.doc |(Download DOC)]]*ECON224 (Berkeley): Framework for Microanalytics [[Media:Egan_(2009)_-_Framework_for_Microanalytics.doc |(Download DOC)]]
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