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859 bytes added ,  14:41, 14 March 2016
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The Perl Libraries I used to create this webcrawler are
use strict;
use [ LWP::Simple];
use [ HTML::Tree];
Using the LWP::Simple library makes it easy to rip the HTML off the website by simply doing,
$content = get(your url as a string here);
The URL used to access the General Fanager page containing data from all the players is []. Now the HTML::Tree libraryallows us to parse the HTML code into a more accessible tree structure. $tree = HTML::Tree->new(); $tree->parse($content);Now, with the HTML code parsed we can look down the tree to find what we are searching for. $tree->look_down( '_tag', 'tag of what you are looking for here')Will return an array with each element of the array containing the HTMl tree down from where the tag was found. I used the tag table because it was the most specific tag above the player stat, and put the resuls into the @tables variable.Now in order to access the data of each individual player you must look inside the @tables variable
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