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*Fight for free and fair trade. Americans can compete with anyone in the world, but agriculture trade is often unfair and not free.
*Support American corn producers and the renewable fuel standard. Washington shouldn’t pick favorites or change the rules in the middle of the game.
*Abolish the Death Tax and protect family farms." []
===Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP)===
"We need to expand trade and work with partners across the globe to grow our economy. However, this Administration (TPA) cannot be trusted to negotiate a deal that makes sense for American workers. []
===More Issues Quotes on Free Trade===Adapted from [ On The Issues]
*'''Trans Pacific Partnership isn't fair trade or free trade'''
**Huckabee complained that American wages have been stagnant since Chinese trade agreements went into effect over the past few decades: "People are working hard, and they have less to show for it," he said. "We need to quit apologizing for being America, and we need to start making it so that Americans can prosper and not just so that the Chinese can buy Louis Vuitton and Gucci bags.
Anonymous user

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