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New page: Rubio's Middle East (section page) *Wants to undo the deal with Iran the first day in office **Wants to use military force as a credib...
[[Marco Rubio | Rubio's]] [[Middle East]] [[Marco Rubio (Middle East)| (section page)]]
*Wants to undo the deal with Iran the first day in office
**Wants to use military force as a credible threat against Iran if it decides to proceed with its nuclear program
*Military Strategy
**Build a multinational coalition willing to send troops and support
**Increase the number of American troops on the grounds to partner with allies and fight ISIS
**Increase the number of Airstrikes in Syria and Iraq
**Align with Sunni and Kurdish forces
**Target ISIS’ financial reserves
*Political Strategy
**Broadcast American victories
**Work with Baghdad to increase Sunni inclusion
**Advocate and protect religious minorities in the region
**Publicize and Expose ISIS’ war crimes
**Halt new admissions of refugees
**Enhance the security screening of the visa program (MRWISIS)
Anonymous user

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