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Job Market Applications (view source)
Revision as of 17:51, 18 October 2013
, 17:51, 18 October 2013no edit summary
[[Image:Jim_Ed_and_Thomas.jpg|right|200px|Jim Brander, Ed Egan, and Thomas Hellman, in 2005]]
I am seeking tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in the fields of Strategy, Business Economics, and Corporate Finance. I am currently the Innovation Policy Fellow at the National Bureau of Economic Research under Professors Scott Stern and Josh Lerner. I completed my Ph.D. in business administration, with a dual focus on strategy & business economics (in the BPP group) and finance at the Haas School of Business, U.C. Berkeley, in May of 2012, under the supervision of Professors David Teece, Toby Stuart, Michael Katz, and Bronwyn Hall. I then spent the 2012/2013 academic year as a post-doctoral fellow at the Sauder School of Business, U.B.C., under my long-term mentors Jim Brander and Thomas Hellmann(shown as we were in 2005 in the picture on the left). Full information on my academic qualifications and experience is provide on my [[Profile]] page and in my curriculum vitae ([[Media:EdEgan_-_CurriculumVitae.pdf|pdf]]).
==My Research==