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From [ Kasich’s “Energy Factsheet” ] '''===Keep Energy Affordable And Reliable by Pursuing All Sources of Energy:''' ===Diversifying our energy supply is the best strategy for economic growth. Government policies that encourage or discourage energy from any single source are economically counterproductive.
'''[ (JKWE)] ===Use Common Sense In Energy Regulation:''' === Washington assumes authority that does not exist in pursuit of reckless regulations that will kill jobs. John Kasich will bring common sense and science to energy regulation in order to properly balance environmental stewardship and job creation.
'''[ (JKWE)] ===Encourage Research In New Technologies:''' ===Both the economy and environment benefit from technological breakthroughs. High-capacity, long-life batteries; fuel cells; the high-efficiency “smart” electricity grid; clean coal and other technologies can help improve the environment, increase efficiency and conserve energy. Unreasonable barriers to their development should be identified and removed to help make them a reality.[ (JKWE)]
From OnTheIssues John Kasich section [ On EnvironmentOTI:E]
John Kasich (Environmental) (view source)
Revision as of 17:40, 27 January 2016
, 17:40, 27 January 2016no edit summary
[[John Kasich (Environmental)| (section page)]]
*Increase energy from all sources: More energy from oil and gas, nuclear, coal, alternatives and renewables and emerging technologies will provide the affordable, reliable energy our economy needs.
*Conservation is an energy source: The cheapest, cleanest energy is the energy we never have to produce. Efficiency and conservation are fundamentally conservative strategies for increasing energy supplies and should be pursued.
*Approve the Keystone XL Pipeline: Increasing access to the oil produced along this new pipeline’s route only reduces our need for imported oil.
*Tapping more energy resources from federal land: Increasing access to oil and gas production on our nation’s vast system of non-sensitive public lands, when guided by responsible management plans, supports the goal of energy independence, and can be done safely with proper environmental protections.
*Scrap extreme regulations like the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Plan: This extreme regulatory proposal will drive needed electrical generation offline before it can be replaced. It will also force costly and unnecessary controls on remaining plants that will drive up electricity costs and make entire economic sectors uncompetitive. It must be scrapped and not replaced. Regulations on energy production which are counterproductive, extreme should be repealed. Paid for by Kasich for America, 2
*Keep fracking regulations at the state level: Most states have strong regulations for hydraulic fracturing, and efforts by Washington to heap extra regulations on the industry would be costly and counterproductive. States that meet quality benchmarks should be allowed to regulate hydraulic fracturing themselves without job-killing federal interference.
*Overturn the ban on U.S. oil exports: Given the increased production of American oil and gas, we can and should end the artificial, counterproductive market distortion of the ban on U.S. oil and gas exports.
Note: These quotes are both from 1999