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481 bytes added ,  03:01, 9 July 2009
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WRDS has now changed its variable names somewhat, but these old (legacy) data dictionaries may still be of some use. The following legacy [ WRDS] data dictionaries are available:
#[ DD-COMPUSTATBalanceSheetExtracts.txt]
#[ DD-COMPUSTATIndustrialAnnual.txt]
Users should also consult the [ WRDS COMPUSTAT User Manual]
==Thomson SDC==
It appears that the Thomson SDC Platinum system may be being phased out by Thomson. However, the following data dictionaries are an invaluable source while access is still available (users should note that Thomson often random remove variables from their system and requesting a (now) non-existent variable will cause your query to crash):
#[ DD-ThomsonSDCGNI-AttributeCodeExplanations.txt]
#[ DD-ThomsonSDCGNI.txt]
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