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=='''Small Business Needs & Candidate Objectives May Be Misaligned==Businesses On What Matters:'''*Expansion of overtime eligibility*Department of labor’s legal counseling disclosure movement*Osha environmental regulation that affects manufacturing and farming*ESBA’s retirement reform could hinder small business retirement plans (NFIB)
'''Republican Candidate Small *Many of the regulatory costs are fixed costs thus businesses with 5 and 500 employees pay the same costs*42% of businesses surveyed say that few or no qualified individuals applied for an open position*Many other businesses cite that attracting customers to the business objectives:'''is their biggest problem
Trump'''Small Businesses Want to Grow: How Can they?'''*Immigration reform calling for mass deportation of immigrants would decrease Numerous reports have cited that small businesses have plans to expand within the opportunity for sb growth**40% of Fortune 500 companies were started next year. An analysis conducted by immigrants*Education reform slashing the budget Wallstreet Journal in January 2016, highlights fifty-four percent of small businesses surveyed say they expect their employee base to increase. Twenty-seven percent of businesses interviewed for a New York Federal Reserve report, detail plans to increase their full time staff within the department next year. A report in February 2016 by the National Federation of educationIndependent businesses however, documents forty-> decrease two percent of small business have encountered obstacles in financing identifying qualified applicants for sb innovative research program (open positions. Similarly, survey results indicate that numerous businesses have expectations to increase profitability and/or sales revenue, while a research complimentary majority cite difficulty in attracting customers and development project identifying new markets. To summarize the current state of affairs, it appears that investigates important education or assistive technologysmall businesses share a desire to expand both financially and physically, sciencebut face disparities in realizing that goal. This therefore prompts the question: How should small businesses go about achieving affective and meaningful growth?  ''Adjusting to the current state of Capital Markets'' -Since the financial crisis of 2008, or engineering questions under topics identified each year small business owners have encountered obstacles in accessing traditional sources of capital. Financing sources available to small businesses to help with growth *crowd funding the solicitation)-2015-predicts-massolutions-2015cf-industry-report/45376*Non-proft lenders*Personal savings  ''Managing Labor Expansion Effectively''* Navigating Health Care Regulation*Tax reform, lowering Understanding the affordable care act and its impacts on employmentparticipating in the corporate tax from 35%SHOP Exchangenegotiating on private insurance plan pricesconverting their employee group plans into individual employer->15% for all businesses sponsored plans, such as Health Savings Accounts or Health Reimbursement Accounts (DTW1HSA’s and HRA’s)*Reform switching to direct primary careusing Workplace Wellness ProgramsWhile some of these options may be accompanied by risks, they can serve as cheaper employer coverage alternatives. [ -care policy, eliminating obamacare-costs.html] ''Understanding How to Leverage New Technologies to Attract Customers''*Social media highlights for SB :*AT&T small business technology report :
*Tax reform code -16% corporate tax level
*Wants to repeal Obamacare because of perceived inhibitory effects on small business
*Cut the export-import bank
*Eliminate estate taxes and capital gains
*Legislation to prevent deduction of undocumented salaries around tax time
*Wants to eliminate the IRS
*Dismantle the current EPA regulation regarding the clean power plan and, waters of the US rule
*Adamantly opposed to a higher minimum wage in protecting sb owners
*Build out keystone pipleline
*Reduce corporate taxes from 35-25%
*Implement a one year moratorium on all regulation passed by the obama administration
*Repeal Obamacare and implement a market based system of healthcare
*Eliminate the estate tax (a tax levied on the net value of the estate of a deceased person before distribution to the heirs.)
WP: WP2:

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