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535 bytes added ,  17:27, 25 September 2020
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I tried to mount my local shares to transfer data but kept getting mount error(95): Operation not supported:
mount -o username=researcher,vers=3\.0 // /mnt/mother
mount -o username=researcher,vers=3\.0 // /mnt/mother
smbclient -m CORE -L
This seems to be an smb negotiation issue. See:
I also tried lowering the protocol requirement on the other end (i.e., on Mother) by editing /etc/samba/smb.conf (setting client min protocol =...) and doing a service smbd restart, but to no avail. Astarte is just too old to support protocols that are now mandatory.
It doesn't seem worth trying to upgrade the necessary components to get samba working again... So, instead, I'm going to back everything up on the box onto a USB hard drive and sneakernet it across.
I mounted a USB backup drive (using the GUI) and copied off everything that seemed important:
rsync -av --progress /var/www /media/TOSHIBA\ EXT/astarte-2020-09-25/
mkdir /var/lib/mediawiki/backup
cd /var/lib/mediawiki
chown postgres:postgres backup/
su postgres
pg_dump -Fc wikidbmain > backup/wikidbmain_Fc.dump
rsync -av --progress /var/lib/mediawiki /media/TOSHIBA\ EXT/astarte-2020-09-24/
cp /etc/apache2 /media/TOSHIBA\ EXT/astarte-2020-09-24/

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