We will use the old Tiger Places, but it is worth exploring how to rebuild this from scratch. First, visit https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/tiger-line-file.html. Then download each state's place file. Load them and merge them. See [[PostGIS_Installation#Bulk_Download_TIGER_Shapefiles]] for more information. It is also worth reading the [[Tiger Geocoder]] and [[Jeemin Sim (Work Log)]].
====Other things to do====
We also might need to add:
*Tigerplaces (see MiscTasks.SQL or Agglomeration.sql in E:\vcdb3\OriginalSQL)*Accelerator data? (See CohortPortCoMatch.sql for doing the portco matching)-- this might be in its own dbase
*GSP (see Adding GDP.sql)
*Industry, Firm type, Firm stage and other lookups (see MatchingEntreps.sql)