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I am therefore going to restrict on being U.S. (which will cost us 3 LBOs) but not on exchange. In STATA we restrict on assets, and I'm going to '''trust Brian''' that these are all publicly traded firms undergoing LBOs. For the controls, we are just going to have to hope as well...
by gvkey: egen assetfilter = max(at >= 40 & at != .)
===Variable Issues===
In the initial version of the dataset there was a supposed COMPUSTAT variable named dt which was later labelled debt total in STATA. This variable appears to have been an error. It looks like DVT (dividends total) was pulled and accidentally labelled DT. There does not appear to be a DT variable in COMPUSTAT. Then in STATA, DT was used:
generate debtcapital:"Debt to capital" = dt / (at - lt)
I now load and label a DVT variable and calculate debt to capital as
generate debtcapital:"Debt to capital" = lt / (at - lt)

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