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Currently, I am thinking about using one-hot vector to encode the structure of a DSL page. The author of the [http://www.edegan.com/wiki/Pix2code pix2code] project also had the same approach. However, the preprocessing part was not discussed carefully in the paper and the source code was not commented properly. This [https://blog.floydhub.com/turning-design-mockups-into-code-with-deep-learning/ article] gives a more detailed instruction for the embedding method. For our project, we can ignore the image-preprocessing part and focus solely on the text processing. The associated github page can be found [https://github.com/emilwallner/Screenshot-to-code/blob/master/README.md here]
What we just did is opening a DSL file, going through every single line, stripping some symbols and store storing all the tokens in a list. The ''tokens'' variable now looks something like this