*Typed "incubator" in the search box
*Clicked on "Search for 'incubator'
===500 Results===
Revised process:
*Note that restricting to "Companies" reduces it to 1,339 results.
===Failed workarounds===
Tried work around with pages:
Signed up for an account as Ed Egan, ed@edegan.com, littleAmount. Then the link More -> Incubators takes you to https://angel.co/accelerators/apply. But there doesn't seem to be an advanced search. Count of incubator results increased while on the site!
===Another Deadend===
The page https://angel.co/incubators shows 6,054 companies. It stopped adding to the list after 20 More clicks, which turned out to be 400 results. Saved page as E:\projects\AngelList\Incubator - CompanyTypes - AngelList.html
Given the page title, this is likely the just the "Incubator" company type organizations. However, there is some useful information that could be extracted from just that page.
===Possible Process===
Tried searching incubator TX but it looks like only the name and text descriptions is searched. Tried searching "incubator a", "incubator b", "incubator c" and each had less than 500 results, so that ''might'' work.