|Has project status=Active
The purpose of this project is to build a database of incubators, perhaps as well as other ecosystem organizations, from AngelList.
==So Far==
Process from before:
*Opened source link (http://www.angel.co)
*Typed "incubator" in the search box
*Clicked on "Search for 'incubator'
Revised process:
*Visit https://angel.co/search?q=incubator
*Click More (a lot)
*Save the HTML page as E:\projects\AngelList\AngelList.html
*That gets you 500 (out of 1,447 claimed results)
*Process the HTML using Regular Expressions to produce AngelListPages.txt, which is in the format:
*Note that restricting to "Companies" reduces it to 1,339 results.
It appears from the format of results that Angellist has a type "incubator", though some likely incubators have other types (e.g., BMW iVentures Incubator is a "VC Firm" and Austin Technology Incubator is a "Company".
Signed up for an account as Ed Egan, ed@edegan.com, littleAmount
Then the link More -> Incubators takes you to https://angel.co/accelerators/apply
But there doesn't seem to be an advanced search. Count of incubator results increased while on the site!