7/16/2018 -
*Merged cohort company data with Crunchbase data, by doing a Vlookup then cleaning up data. I used a =IF(A2="",B2,A2) formula to merge cells only when blanks were present. This provided us updated data for four columns:
**colocation (removed 6324 blanks)
**codescription (removed 5151 blanks)
**costatus (removed 7342 blanks)
**courl (removed 6670 blanks)
and new columns:
**founded_on date
These new variables can be found in:
/McNair/Projects/Accelerators/Summer 2018/'''Crunchbase Info Populated Empty Cells.xlsx'''
Upon Ed's approval, I'll move this sheet to replace Cohort Companies in '''The File to Rule Them All'''.
7/13/2018 -