*It seems that Gurobi does not support GPGPU computation here in [http://www.gurobi.com/pdfs/webinar-parallel-and-distributed-optimization-english.pdf page 36], and here is [https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!searchin/gurobi/gpu/gurobi/KTP6zDvodII/oPPQT4-mofMJ a slightly more elaborate communication] between the engineering director of Gurobi and the community regarding GPGPU computation support. Need to figure out how to do parallel computation in Matlab[https://www.mathworks.com/discovery/matlab-gpu.html][https://www.mathworks.com/help/distcomp/getting-started-with-parallel-computing-toolbox.html], and where we need it in the Startup-VC Code.
*Huge problem with code '''gmm_2stage_estimated.m'''. In line 80, we compute [[W]] by taking the inverse of matrix ''Om''. We keep getting ''W'' as an ill-conditioned matrix, whose entries are infinitely large. There might be a bug in the readjusted code. I will try to catch it by comparing with the original code. If I can't, will try to set up another skype phone call with Chenyu.
[[Category:Work Log]]