[[Shelby Bice]] [[Work Logs]] [[Shelby Bice (Work Log)|(log page)]]
2017-12-01 3:15 pm - 5:00 pm - ran code (and ran into errors) which I have been working on fixing. If I don't finish today, I'll continue doing so on Monday. I plan to write up some of the mistakes I made in adding the tables to the database and add them to Oliver's page, with his permission so that people in the future who are not familiar with the code (like I wasn't) hopefully won't fall into the same pitfalls.
2017-11-30-17 1:55 pm - 3:55 pm - continued altering code. Wrote creation tables script in SQL for creating tables for the design, reissue, and plant patents, and went through the checklist to make sure I had done everything to create these new tables based on Oliver's Reproducible Patent Data page. Will definitely run code tomorrow and will type up the exact process I went through to create new tables.