*A excel file list of publicly traded firms (on NYSE, NASDAQ, or American Stock Exchange), with their data for Jan 1 2016-Jan 1 2017, pulled from compustat (https://wrds-web.wharton.upenn.edu/wrds/ds/compm/funda/index.cfm?navId=84), can be found in E:\McNair\Projects\Innovation Districts\Augusta Startup Ecosystem. It's filtered to show only Georgia companies. It's called "Firms on...". The list files also appear in E:\McNair\Projects\Publicly Traded Firms Data.
* The file shows(in order on the excel sheet)**AT at (total assets)**INTAN intan (intangible assets)**INTANO intano (other intangibles)
**revt (total revenue)
**xrd (research and development expense)