=Tasks for Ben Baldazo on September 25=
#Determine which zip codes are associated with Augusta, Augusta University & Cyber commend facility.
#*Augusta: http://zipcode.org/city/GA/AUGUSTA
#*Augusta U (zip: 30912) website: http://www.augusta.edu/
#*Fort Gordon (houses the cyber command) Zip: 30905 | Website: http://www.gordon.army.mil/
#Use Compustat to pull data on publicly traded firms in Augusta, Atlanta and Georgia.
#Get data on Accelerators for Augusta, Atlanta and Georgia.
#Complete all tasks described in your September 19 Slack message. Read thread for notes on folders in bulk E drive.
#*DoneSee Documentation section
#Get data on all VC-backed firms in Augusta, Atlanta, and Georgia.
#What data on cybersecurity startups is available from VenturExpert.