[[File:Factors for innovation district.png]]
Source: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/312173269_fig15_Figure-19-Key-success-factors-for-innovation-district-development
===Ideal Factors for an Innovation district===
Here, I will try to break down measurable ways of understanding how an area fulfills the requirements of an innovation district
Optimize Land Use and Placemaking
*flexibility, responding to market preferences
*Infrastructure and land as a platform for experimentation
*Placemaking to achieve critical mass of real estate and commercial activity and authentic sense of place
Strategy as a City of Innovation
*Recognize and leverage the regional innovation context
*prioritize attention on city wide eco-system and development and networking
*Grow and support existing innovation firms and activity
*Manage externalities that arise
*Adapt through cycles
Build the City's Innovation Brand
*Leverage city DNA and expertise in promoting innovation
*Develop innovation brad as a broad identity and shared narrative
*invite others to feel and experience the innovation culture
**Networking Assets
***Gathering spaces- shared meeting spaces