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'''Details from [[Joe Reilly]] [[Work Logs]] [[Joe Reilly (Work Log)|(log page)]]'''
Created a text document of textpaths for the following nodes: patent number, filing number, grant date, kind, type, application number, and filing date. Saved file in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\Patent Schema Reconciliation. Checked/updated each node in [[Equivalent XPath and APS Queries]], and listed examples.  Added xpaths to both [[Equivalent XPath and APS Queries]], and Patent Schema Reconciliation text.txt in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\Patent Schema Reconciliation for the following nodes. In [[Equivalent XPath and APS Queries]], listed examples:
For Only checked/updated the following nodes, I only added their xpaths to in [[Equivalent XPath and APS Queries]], and listed examples. Xpaths for these nodes still need to be added to THESE STILL HAVE TO BE ADDED TO Patent Schema Reconciliation text.txt in E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\data\examples\Patent Schema Reconciliation.
All listed nodes under "inventors", "assignments", and "lawyers"
An example xpath for a certain block of code from granted, v4.5, plant:
<us-bibliographic-data-grant> <publication-reference> <document-id> <country>US</country> <doc-number>PP027502</doc-number> <kind>P3</kind> <date>20161227</date> </document-id>
For the above code, I identified xpaths for the nodes of patent number (//us-bibliographic-data-grant/publication-reference/document-id/doc-number), kind (//us-bibliographic-data-grant/publication-reference/document-id/kind), and grant date (//us-bibliographic-data-grant/publication-reference/document-id/date). I added the xpaths for these nodes, as well as all of the nodes listed above.
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