# Clone the git project (link at end of page) to your user directory
# Launch IntelliJ with >= Java 8 and Maven configured (default version installed version on the RDP worksis setup to do this)
# Open project in IntelliJ
# Create an empty database (see [[#Database]])
# Run the table creation scripts in <code>src/db/schemas/</code> in your new database
# Modify the constant <code>DATABASE_NAME</code> in <code>E:\McNair\Projects\SimplerPatentData\src\main\java\org\bakerinstitute\mcnair\postgres\DatabaseHelper.java</code>
# Run the Driver scripts in IntelliJ with the correct value for <code>DATA_DIRECTORY</code>
# [Take a really, really long lunch...in total should take no more than five hours to load data on RDP]