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==Checking if pkey is valid ==
The following psql code creates a new table called companybasepkeyvalid that counts the number of times the pkey created in companybase1 occurs in companybase1. In this case there are 3 pkeys that are not vald valid for companies: Undisclosed Company, New York Digital Health LLC and Undisclosed Company.
CREATE TABLE companybasepkeyvalid AS
SELECT coname, pkey, COUNT(pkey)
\COPY companybasepkeyvalid TO 'companybasepkeyvalid.txt' WITH DELIMITER AS E'\t' HEADER NULL AS '' CSV;
The Undisclosed Companies will be updated manually using the description to extract the company name. To remove the duplicate records of the company New York Digital Health LLC from the roundbase table run the following command:
DELETE FROM roundbase WHERE url = 'www.digitalhealthaccelerator.c';
After the Undisclosed company names are updated, you will need to recreate the companybase and roundbase tables.

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