== Schema Reconciliation ==
As it turns out, since many of the fields we care about are date and author data the schemas are the same ("universal") <code>select count(*), patent_type from patents group by patent_type;</code> {| class="wikitable"|+Results|-! scope="col" | count(*) !! scope="col" | patent_type|- | 725 | design|- | 18 | plant|-| 14 | reissue|- | 28187 | utility|} where "plant" literally refers to flora. However, it uses parts of the base schema that are unused in the granted patent data. From a short, cursory glance it seems like the meat of the join data appears in the <code><us-related-documents></code> tag.
{| class="wikitable"
|+Data Formats
! scope="col" | Dates Used !! scope="col" | Format !! scope="col" | Supported by Parser? !! scope="col" | Utility !! scope="col" | Reissue !! scope="col" | Design !! scope="col" | Plant
|January 1976 to December 2001
|Ignored; use concurrently recorded APS data