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==6/5/2017 - ==Downloaded Atom IDE along with Juno, a Julia specific console. <br>
Began looking at MATLAB code for the Entrepreneurship Matching Project and trying to understand it <br>
Began translating enclosing circle algorithm from python to julia <br>
==6/6/2017 - ==Looked through MATLAB code for Entrepreneurshp Matching with James, Ed in-depth <br>
Understood the general idea of the code; Going to call original author for more details. <br>
Worked through the Julia implementation of Brute Force Enclosing Circle. (had to install "Combinatorics") <br>
There are small errors with the number of valid circles; still need to implement plotting circles on map.
==6/7/2017- ==FIXED the errors involved with translating Python to Julia for Enclosing Circle (Brute Force) <br>
Implemented the plots in Julia using PyPlot and Plots (need to Pkg.add("Plots") and Pkg.add("PyPlot")) <br>
Run time in the Julia implementation is actually 2x as slow for the small test set ( 1.12 s for Julia, .55 for Python) <br>


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