ptoassigneend_us_candid1 (city and state is clean) | 136958
ptoassigneend_us_candid2 (postcode is clean) | 184123
====Output: ptoassigneend_us_identify_subtotal====
Union ptoassigneend_us_identify(0-4) to generate ptoassigneend_us_identify_subtotal with clean city, state and postcode. This table contains 89.5% of all the records in ptoassigneend_allus. 10.5% left in ptoassigneend_us_temp5.
Note: About 60 records are missing. For example, the # of records in ptoassigneend_us_temp + # of records in ptoassigneend_us_identify0 != # ptoassigneend_allus.
====To do====
* Remove city, state, zip, country from addrline1 & addrline2 to get clean addrlines.
* Maybe concatenate addrline1 and addrline to make addrline