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All graphics must be licensed for reuse. Contact the Graphics Editor for help choosing and citing graphics.
'''To set the photo icon for the blog post,''' click on the "featured image" link on the left toolbar in WordPress for the post. Upload your chosen image. Make sure this is a photo which will entice viewers to click on the post!Be aware that this is the photo that will appear in the slider, featured posts, related posts and the inline image in the list of blog posts.
'''To place a photo within the blog post,''' click on the "ad add media" button on the top toolbar in WordPress for the post. Upload your image. Once it is in the content, you can move it around as you please within the post. If you click on a graphic it will let you align it left, right, or center within a paragraph, as well as a standalone image. It is probably best to put a graphic at the very start of a paragraph. Every post should have at least one graphic.
If your ====Dimensions of photos==== Slider: 1200x600 Inline image: 200x150 Featured post is featured in the slider, the slider uses the featured image of the : 355x250 Related post in its display. The current size of the slider is 1175x585, so if you are able to crop your featured image to this size, please do so. If not, upload an image that is similar to these dimensions: 140x80 [[File:PhotoDimensions.png]]
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