== People to Follow Crawl ==
This crawler takes as input the twitter handle of a person we think posts similar content to us or is an account we admire.
It completes the following steps to use their information to find people we should consider following:
== Development ==
Functions authenticationAndAccess_interface, jsonDataAcquisition, retweetersIdAcquisition, retweetersShortnameAcquisition and generate_pandas_table_filledWithZeroes
were taken from http://mcnair.bakerinstitute.org/wiki/Twitter_Webcrawler_(Tool) aka Gunny's existing Twitter Crawler.
I had major issues with Rate Limits and eventually found a solution here: http://python-twitter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/rate_limits.html and read about the Rate Limit nonsense in general here: https://dev.twitter.com/rest/public/rate-limiting
I used this page http://python-twitter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/twitter.html#module-twitter.api for an examination of all the methods I can use(and probably will use after I finish this application of the crawler)