*Median director percent value ownership - The percentage ownership of the firm's total voting power is calculated for all directors. We take the median director's ownership as the governance measure as this individual can be viewed as having the 'swing' vote in governance related matters. - IRRC and TCL available 1998-2002 sample size 6130 - Bhagat & Bolton 2008
*CEO chair duality - A dummy variable equal to 1 if the CEO is also the chairman of the board. - IRRC and TCL available 1998-2002 sample size 8,847 - Bhagat & Bolton 2008
The vast majority of papers use the GIM index or some subset of the items in the GIM index. Each index is constructed using the Investor Responsibility Research Center data from ''Corporate Takeover Defenses'' Rosenbaum 1990, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2000. This data may be difficult