[[File:Star ratings.png|thumb|alt=A cartoon centipede reads books and types on a laptop.|Rules for Wishlist purchasing]]
=True Wishlist=
[[Category:McNair Admin]]
[http://www.amazon.com/Keurig-K55-Coffee-Maker-Black/dp/B018UQ5AMS?ie=UTF8&keywords=coffee&qid=1465332987&ref_=sr_1_1&refinements=p_89%3AKeurig&s=kitchen&sr=1-1 Keurig K55] - $100, 4.4/5 stars with 4,807 reviews, //I couldn't find the coffee machine "downstairs" so I wasn't sure what kind to look for. Potentially get a bulk-style coffeemaker if the office would prefer?
=Potential Ideas=
==Constellation Projector==
[https://www.amazon.com/UZZO-Romantic-Projector-Astrostar-Constellation/dp/B00M0FA3Y6] $15.99 and 1.5 star rating. I suspect it'll fulfill our needs.