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*Match the LBO data to the patent data
*Pull patent numbers and grant dates and join those variables to matched LBO patent data
*Final table includes matched standardized names, number of patents, minimum grant years, maximum grant years, average grant years, and whether the LBO was public to private or private to private
===Introduction of Compustat and Preparation for Stata===
*Pull Compustat data, match Compustat names against themselves to standardize*Connect Compustat data to LBO Data using the GVKeys in the SDC sheet of the original LBO excel file*Connect Compustat data to LBO data and Patent data in a single table where each company has 47 rows of data, one for each year 1970 - 2016*Final table includes standardized names, GVKeys, years, number of patents per year, LBO entries/exits in each year, and all pulled Compustat variables
===Stata Work===


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