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[[Image:ted cruz.jpg|200x200px200px|thumb|right|Ted Cruz]]
Rafael Edward "Ted" Cruz was born on December 22, 1970 in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. He is of Cuban and Irish/Italian descent. He was raised in Houston, Texas and later went on to study Public Policy at Princeton University before attending Harvard Law School. He took on the role of private-practicing lawyer, advisor to the 2000 Bush campaign, and Solicitor-General for the State of Texas (2003-2008) before being elected to the United States Senate in 2012. Cruz played a major role in the government shutdown of 2013 that strained his relations with the Republican Party. He is now running for the GOP nomination for the 2016 presidential election. Cruz's polling numbers show strong support, and he is second only to Donald Trump. []
[ Campaign Website]
==Repeal Tax Code and Institute a "Flat Tax" PolicyReform==
==={{:Ted Cruz (Tax Reform plans===*Wants to institute a "simple flat tax policy" **Up to 36,000 dollars in untaxed income for a family of four (TCWTR)**A flat 10% tax rate for all individuals exceeding the income cutoff (TCWTR)**An additional flat 16% "business tax" that effectively acts as a value-added tax (TCWTR)**Child Tax Credit and deductions for mortgage interest payments will remain in effect (TCWTR)*"I am campaigning on a flat tax that would allow every American to fill out his or her taxes on a post card [or iPhone app] that allow us to abolish the IRS."(WE)*Supports elimination of other taxes such as the Inheritance Tax, Overseas Profit Tax, Alternative Minimum Tax, and any "Obamacare" taxes (TCWTR)}}
==Jobs and Business Policy==
===Reform {{:Ted Cruz (Jobs and Regulation===Business Policy)}}
*"When it comes to jobs and growth and opportunity, the two most effective levers that the federal government has to facilitate small businesses creating new jobs, are tax reform and regulatory reform." (WE)*Cruz is a co-sponsor and heavy supporter of the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny (REINS) Act (ACOM)*Advocates for the elimination of the IRS, the Department of Education, the Department of Energy, the Department of Commerce, and the Department of Housing and Urban Developmen (TCWRW)*Plans to reinstate the Grace Commission of the Reagan Era which will in (TCWRW)==Health Policy==
===Internet Regulation and Entrepreneurial Freedom==={{:Ted Cruz (Health Policy)}}
*"The Internet is the great equalizer when it comes to jobs and opportunity." (WPOPED)*"We must promote growth in the technological sector, a consistent bright spot for the U.S. economy. But we won’t realize more of that dynamic growth unless we keep the Internet free from the kind of unnecessary regulation that is strangling our health-care, energy and banking industries... one of the biggest regulatory threats to the Internet is “net neutrality.” In short, net neutrality is Obamacare for the Internet." (WPOPED)*Opposes net neutrality on the basis it stifles innovation (WPOPED)==Drug Policy==
===Government Jobs===*Freeze on new hires in the federal executive branch, including no new job creation, no automatic position filling, no hiring of contractors**Fill necessary vacant positions would be at a max ratio of one new hire for every three that leave**Reduce the size of the federal government*Eliminate at least 25 Agencies, Bureaus, Commissions, and other programs{{:Ted Cruz (TCWJDrug Policy)}}
==Health PolicyMiddle East==
===Health Initiatives=== {{:Ted Cruz (Middle East)}}
*Repeal Obamacare, open insurance markets across state lines, expand health savings accounts, delink health insurance from employment*Sponsored a bill called the Health Care Choices Act which allows people to buy health care plans across state lines**HCCA also repeals Title I of the Affordable Health Care Act**HCCA amend the Public Health Service Act (TCWS)*"We must save Medicare by gradually increasing the eligibility age and by moving to a premium support system that expands choices for seniors, opens up innovation, and utilizes market forces to rein in healthcare costs." (OTI)*Supports the right for private organizations to deny contraceptive/abortion coverage to their employees if it conflicts with their personal beliefs (TCS)==Trade==
===Abortion and Planned Parenthood===*"The next thing I intend to do is instruct the Department of Justice to open an investigation... to prosecute Planned Parenthood for any criminal violations." {{:Ted Cruz (RD1)*Supports the complete defunding of Planned Parenthood (TCWLLFTrade)}}
==Drug Policy====Middle East====TradeImmigration==
*{{:Ted Cruz has been rated as a "Free Trade Supporter" by the Cato Institute and Wall Street Journal (CI) (WSJ)*supported the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade agreement until the eve of the vote to “fast-track” the measure when he voted against it (WSJ)**said he changed his mind becayse he found “new troubling information” in details of the emerging trade deal that suggests that the fast track bill could make it easier for Obama to change federal immigration law and also complained that House Speaker John Boehner punished Republicans who opposed the bill in the House. (WSJ)*Cruz strongly disapproves of the Export-Import Bank (WPT)**“The Export-Import Bank is big businesses’ big-government bank backed by U.S. taxpayers" (USAImmigration)}}
{{:Ted Cruz (Environmental)}} ==Entrepreneurship and Innovation=Keystone Pipeline{{:Ted Cruz (Entrepreneurship and Innovation)}} ==Monetary Policy=={{:Ted Cruz (Monetary Policy)}} ==Religion=={{:Ted Cruz (Religion)}} ==Quotes=={{:Ted Cruz (Quotes)}} ==Sources Key==(Bio) = [] (TCWTR) = [] (TCWRW) = [] (TCWJ) = [] (TCWLLF) = [] (TCWDN) = [] (TCWSWI) = []  (TCWSB) = [] (WE) = [] (WERR) = [] (ACOM) = [] (WPOPED) = [] (OTIHC) = [] (RD1) = [] (POLITICO) = [] (Huff Post) = [] (OTI - D) = [] (WSJ) = [] (CI) = [] (USA) = [] (WPSB) = [] (NATJ) = [] (Reuters) = [] (NPR) = [] (USAP) = [] (FOX) = [] (NATR) = [] (Atlantic) = [] (Stripes) = []
*(Politifact - Iran) = [We need to] get more jobs by embracing America's energy renaissancehttp://www. This means passing legislation to make it easier to build energy infrastructure, such as the Keystone pipelinepolitifact." (USAP)com/truth-o-meter/statements/2015/sep/10/ted-cruz/ted-cruz-says-deal-will-facilitate-and-accelerate-/]
(TCS) =[ Change press_release& Related Policies==id=*Does not believe that climate change is backed with scientific evidence (NPR)*Opposes the Clean Power Act and and sponsored Affordable Reliable Energy Now Act (ARENA) to limit its effects(TCWJ)*Voted against the Water Resources Act (TCWJ)*Criticized NASA for spending "too much money" studying climate change and earth science (NATJOUR)2251]
===Energy===*Supports opening more areas for offshore drilling*Pushes against restrictions on fracking*Encourages "expanding energy development on federal land"(ReutersHuffPost - Iran)= []
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