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[[Rand Paul | Paul's]] [[Middle East]] [[Rand Paul (Middle East)| (section page)]]
'''U.S. Involvement in Middle East:'''
*Against sending troops/fighting battles in Middle East
"The Kurds deserve to be armed and I'll arm them. But the boots on the ground need to be the people who live there. Why are we always the world's patsies that we have to go over there and fight their wars for them? We need to defend American interests, but it is not in America's national security interests to have another war in Iraq."[ (OTI - ME)] 
*Believes U.S. intervention in Libya strengthened Islamic State
*Proposed a bill called the "Stand with Israel Act" to cut off the flow of U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority. As long as the Palestinian Authority is allied with Hamas not one more tax dollar should flow to them
*Cut foreign aid to most countries, including Israel
From [ (OTI - ME)]
'''Standing with Israel'''
"I’m proud to support Israel, America’s longtime friend and ally in the Middle East. Israeli cafés and buses are bombed, towns are victimized by hundreds of rockets, and its citizens are attacked by Palestinian terrorists. It’s time we took a stand for Israel by standing up to the enemies of Israel, the enemies that murder Israeli citizens.
 That’s why I proposed a bill called the “Stand with Israel Act” to cut off the flow of U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Palestinian Authority. As long as the Palestinian Authority is allied with Hamas not one more tax dollar should flow to them." From [ (RPW - ME)]
'''Foreign Policy in General'''
"I believe that one of the primary functions of the Federal Government is national security. As a Senator, one of the most important votes I could make is on a declaration of war. As Commander-in-Chief, the importance of this decision would not be overlooked. If the military action is justified and there is no other course of action, I would follow the Constitution and seek Congressional approval before sending our brave men and women into harm's way." "The Founding Fathers understood the seriousness of war and thus included in our Constitution a provision stating that only Congress can declare war[https://www. We must maintain this important check and balance and the decision to wage war should not be taken lightlyrandpaul."com/issue/foreign-policy-defense (RPW - ME)]
"I believe The Founding Fathers understood the seriousness of war and thus included in Ronald Reagan’s “Peace through Strengthour Constitution a provision stating that only Congress can declare war.” I will continue to stand with Israel We must maintain this important check and our allies abroad, balance and I vow the decision to explore all diplomatic options before sending our armed forces into battlewage war should not be taken lightly." [https://www. Finally, if and when we choose to fight, we will empower our military to fight to winrandpaul."com/issue/foreign-policy-defense (RPW - ME)]
From "I believe in Ronald Reagan’s “Peace through Strength.” I will continue to stand with Israel and our allies abroad, and I vow to explore all diplomatic options before sending our armed forces into battle. Finally, if and when we choose to fight, we will empower our military to fight to win." [ (RPW - ME)]
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