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20160222 (Mon) 2:25 Finished organizing the Excel spreadsheets; will now create sheet that aligns which companies use which FlexSpaces/Service Firms
20160222 (Mon) 3:10 Finished compiling relevant information; will ask Iris for new task when she returns
20160307 (Mon) 1:40 Finished old tasks; begin researching on TMC
20160310 (Fri) 2:00 Came in late because of lunch meeting (oops); new plan of action: help Komal with Booth startups, continue researching TMC (and their masse exodus), perhaps create skeleton for wiki pages
20160318 (Fri) 1:15 Continued to help Komal with Booth startups
20160318 (Fri) 2:00 Created wikipage for TMC; currently adding content
20160321 (Fri) 2:00 Continue creating wikipage for TMC
20160324 (Mon) 1:00 Help Iris with cleaning lsts
20160404 (Mon) 1:00 Had a team meeting to organize files
20160404 (Mon) 5:00 Finished task!
20160408 (Fri) 2-5 Cleaning up Mathces
20160411 (Mon) 1:00 Check the websites from Houston startup list
20160411 (Mon)
Anonymous user

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