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3,723 bytes added ,  18:15, 20 January 2016
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**Employer Incentives: Offer tax incentives that encourage employers to invest in prevention, accommodation and rehabilitation services for their workers as well as to provide short-term private disability insurance.
*Incentivizing Individuals To Get Back To Work: Governor Christie proposes reforming the DI program to encourage people to get back into the workforce by speeding up the qualification review process, updating the requirements for recency of work and for returning to work, as well as increasing funding for continuing reviews. At the same time the program should encourage vocational rehab, wage subsidies and preventive care services to keep an individual working with additional support.
===Healthcare for Veterans===
Christie is committed to our nation’s veterans and providing them with the healthcare they’ve been promised.
Governor Christie believes veterans should be able to receive their health care benefit from any medical institution. Private sector and nonprofit hospitals want to be engaged in veteran health care and they should be brought in to supplement treatment delivered from veterans’ hospitals.
As President, Christie would hire a qualified professional who has run a major healthcare system in this country to be Secretary of Veterans Affairs. The majority of the role of the VA has become that of a healthcare provider and therefore needs someone who knows how to meet the mission of providing adequate and timely care.
*24/7 HOTLINE:
In New Jersey, Governor Christie’s administration established a 24 hours a day 7 days a week hotline manned by mental health professionals as well as veteran volunteers. Governor Christie supports creating a similar nationwide hotline to act as a resource for veterans experiencing mental health issues when they get home.
==Drug Policy==
*As President, Christie would make drug court mandatory in all 94 federal districts. He will implement a system to review and analyze outcomes of the various drug court models and institute best practices guidance for federal judges and prosecutors.
Allow private sector to offer drug treatment programs. (Nov 2015)
Treatment, not jail, for drug addicts; it's a disease. (Nov 2015)
I support medical not recreational marijuana. (Sep 2015)
Mandatory drug treatment, not jail, for first time dealers. (Sep 2015)
Drug addiction is a disease: treatment instead of jail. (Apr 2015)
Drug addiction is a disease & it can be treated. (Jan 2015)
Drug courts: mandate treatment, not imprisonment. (Jan 2014)
==Middle East==
Push Russia out of Middle East; establish US dominance. (Oct 2015)
Governor Christie supports securing the border and “common-sense fixes” to America’s immigration system.
*SECURING THE BORDER: Governor Christie has called for securing the border with Mexico through:
**A border wall where appropriate, specifically in urbanized areas
**An increase in manpower, specifically embedding FBI, DEA and ATF agents with our border patrol to interdict guns and drugs being smuggled into the country
**Advanced technology such as the use of drones and electronic surveillance to increase efficiency
**Most who enter the country illegally come here to work. Employers should not be exploiting cheap illegal labor and should be held accountable when they do. Every employer in the country should be using e-verify to check the work status of employees.
**Fines for hiring illegal workers should be double the profit a business has made from that worker. This will remove the incentive to hire illegal workers.
Around 40% of the illegal immigrants currently in the U.S. came into the country legally and simply overstayed their visas. We should be utilizing existing biometric technology to keep track of those who enter the country on a visa, so that that they can be returned home once their visas are expired.
As president, Governor Christie will enforce all the laws as president, not just some. He will block federal funding for sanctuary cities who are choosing to ignore the law.
Governor Christie joined the legal fight against President Obama’s Executive Amnesty, signing onto an amicus brief that successfully urged the Appeals Court to uphold the injunction.
*Governor Christie condemned President Obama’s Executive Actions and failure to secure border that have “allowed people to believe that they could come here under any circumstances not under the law and be able to stay here.”
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