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Baye Morgan Scholten (2006) - Information Search and Price Dispersion (view source)
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[[Image:Two_Normals.png|thumb|right|400px|A mean preserving spread on a Normal distribution]]The Stigler model also implies that expected transaction prices will be lower when prices have the same mean but are more dispersed. There is a simple graphical proof of intuition for this, that can be demonstrated graphically. Suppose that the customer is drawing from one of the two distributions pictured - a draw from the green distribution (that has the higher variance) would be more likely to yield a lower price and have lower total costs.
These results are proved formally (as propositions 1 and 2), and the essence of the proofs are as follows:
===The Rothschild Critique===
Rothschild (1973) pointed out that the search procedure used in Stigler (1961) may not be optimal. Specifically the customer's commitment to a fixed number of searches may not be 'credible'. The strategy fails to incorporate new information as it becomes available: Once a sufficiently low price quote has been obtained, the benefit of additional searches may drop below the marginal cost.
Consumers know the distribution of prices, which is exogenously specified.
The reservation price is endogenously determined.
Recall is free.
Then a firm with constant marginal cost (<math>m\,</math>) has expected profits:
<center><math>\pi(p) = (p-m)Q(p)\,</math></center>
All firms have the same marginal cost and so the same expected profit function. So then why would profit-maximizing firms choose the same distribution of prices? <center> '''The Rothschild Critique''' The Stigler (1961) model has only optimizing consumers, and not optimizing firms This is therefore a 'partial-partial equilibrium' approach. Why would profit-maximizing firms choose the same profit-maximizing price?</center>
===Diamond's Paradox===
Diamond (1971) provides conditions under which the unique equilibrium in undominated strategies has firms all charging the monopoly price, with costly search by the consumers.
To see Diamond's result, suppose:
*Consumers have identical downward sloping demand:
*Consumers engage in optimal sequential search
*Firms all charge the unique monopoly price <math>p^*\,</math>
*The consumer with the highest marginal cost <math>\overline{m}\,</math> still earns sufficient surplus to cover the cost of one price quote:
<center><math>v \left ( \frac{\epsilon}{1+\epsilon}\overline{m} \right ) > c\,</math></center>
First we must determine the optimum reservation price in a sequential search. Suppose that following n searches the consumer has found a best price (to date) of <math>z\,</math>. Then the benefit of an additional search is:
<center><math>B(z) = \int_{\underline{p}}^{z} (v(p) - v(z))dF(p) = \int_{\underline{p}}^{z} v'(p)dF(p)\,</math></center>
By Liebnitz' rule:
<center><math>B'(z) = -v'(z)dF(z) = Kz^{\epsilon}F(z) > 0\,</math></center>
This is smaller when <math>z\,</math> is small, that is the benefits are lower when the best price already identified is lower. Furthermore, search is costly, so consumers must make a trade-off. The expected net benefit of an additional search is:
<center><math>h(z) \equiv B(z) - c\,</math></center>
The optimal consumer strategy is:
Case 1) <math>h(\overline{p}) < 0 and \int_{\underline{p}}^{\overline{p}} v(p)dF(p) < c\,</math>. In this case it is better not to search.
Case 2) <math>h(\overline{p}) < 0 and \int_{\underline{p}}^{\overline{p}} v(p)dF(p) \ge c\,</math>. In this case the net benefit at the current price is negative, but the consumer is best off by searching until they get a price quote at (or below) <math>\underline{p}\,</math>.
Case 3) <math>h(\overline{p}) > 0\,</math>. This is the interior solution. The customer should search until they get a reservation price <math>r\,</math> given by:
<center><math>h(r) = \int_{\underline{p}}^{r} (v(p) - v(r))dF(p) - c = 0\,</math></center>