A project is [[McNair Projects]] were a deliverable-based effort, undertaken by small groups of [[McNair Team|research or tech team members]]. Projects range ranged from codifying institutional knowledge into wiki pages to full reports that contain policy recommendations, and from creating tools (see [[Software Repository Listing]]) or datasets to building components of [[Writing Academic Papers|academic papers]]. A [[List of All McNair Projects]] contains projects that are not active, tabled, completed, or subsumed. See also [[Project Planning for Fall 2017]] or [[Projects Under Review]] at the [[McNair Center]].
==Restricting Requests==
<nowiki>|Has sponsor=McNair Center</nowiki>
==Active All McNair Projects==
Further information on each project may be found in the table below.
[[Has sponsor::McNair Center]]
[[Has project status::Active]]
| mainlabel=Project Title
| format=count
[[Has sponsor::McNair Center]]
[[Has project status::Active]]
| mainlabel=Project Title
| ?Has owner