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su ebitdatoassets if regfilter & hadlbo //179
...all other vars have full coverage
We also pushed logitpreg from t-2 to t-1. This allows us to match EVERYTHING at t-1 using contemporary variables, inluding patentstock.
To run the matching script:
We also adjusted the bounds on patenting to 25% (and rounded the result to an integer) in the match script(s). This gave 173 matches from 173 candidates(i.e. we caught one unmatched at the 20% bound). See below for more information about catching the one unmatched. We also adjusted the script so that it just outputs the matches and throws out everything else. This can be uncommented if needed.
Import the matches into the dbase and generate the patent statistics using PatentMeasures.sql. Note that it is not possible to generate the patent measures for all of Compustat -- the data is just too big.
To Go back and fix was updated to take into account that the matches are made at t-1.  Now there appear to be two unrelated technical issues. All of the matching so that firms patenting measures appear to suffer from data atrophy for non-LBOs. By relyear==7, we are down to 160/173 non-LBOs having coverage. In addition there appears to be an extreme problem with CS the pairgood variable.  . tab year if patentstock==. Fiscal year | Freq. Percent Cum. ------------+----------------------------------- 1975 | 173 11.11 11.11 1976 | 173 11.11 22.22 1977 | 173 11.11 33.33 1978 | 173 11.11 44.44 1979 | 173 11.11 55.56 2014 | 173 11.11 66.67 2015 | 173 11.11 77.78 2016 | 173 11.11 88.89 2017 | 173 11.11 100.00 ------------+----------------------------------- Total | 1,557 100.00 The problem seems to be a data in construction error. It isn't-2 still just the patent variables, all variables, except the newly added patent match in t-1measures, are missing for the period 1975 to 1979 and 2014 to 2017.
====Catching the one unmatched====

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