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│ 1 │ 8367 │ 1983 │ 1 │ 27 │ 3 │ 0.00564947 │ 1 │ 1 │ -0.1 │
This is a firm that went private in 1985 and stayed that way (still private at exit year 2012). We are currently matching +/-1 2yrs around the reg date (i.e., -1 or -2 yrs before).
In regfilter=1, indu3=3, year>=1981 & <=1985, there are 923 observations (multiple per firm), of which 2 are LBOs:
gvkey year lboregmarker patentstock indu3 logitpreg hadlbo regfilter
7298 1983 1 0 3 0.002207293 1 1
8367 1983 1 27 3 0.005649468 1 1
But the nearest patent counts are 17,18,19,20,21...34,35. There are some close logitpregs for those counts:
gvkey year lboregmarker patentstock indu3 logitpreg hadlbo regfilter
4127 1983 0 18 3 0.006133826 0 1
4127 1984 0 20 3 0.006820232 0 1
4127 1985 0 21 3 0.008283807 0 1
4452 1981 0 35 3 0.007059322 0 1
4452 1982 0 40 3 0.00471063 0 1
5137 1981 0 34 3 0.004571791 0 1
10859 1981 0 17 3 0.008149391 0 1
10859 1982 0 17 3 0.010007644 0 1
10859 1983 0 17 3 0.006547268 0 1
10859 1984 0 19 3 0.005754435 0 1
10859 1985 0 19 3 0.005588403 0 1
====Notes on manual fixes====

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