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SBARRO INC | 568|SBARRO INC | 9441|Hall
There are were 18 matches (counting both Grand Union Co), but Pamida matches to two GVKEYs and we need to work out which Grand Union Co is which.Both Pamida GVKEYs rightly belong to Pamida (they cover different time periods for the same firm), so the latter one was eliminated from the '''lbo''' dbase: UPDATE COMPUSTAT SET gvkey='008306' WHERE GVKEY='014838';
Likewise, both Grand Unions appear to be the same firm, so their GVKEYs were merged: UPDATE COMPUSTAT SET gvkey='061094' WHERE GVKEY='005261'; The GoPrvDate appears to be 1997 (from the spike in debt in the COMPUSTAT data), so dealnum 132 was kept (gopvt in 1998) and dealnum 208 was dropped (gopvt 1999).  After this name-based matchingprocess, there are 20 LBOs still unmatched. They are (also in StillMissingLBOs.txt in the dropbox and E:\lbo):
LBOName DealNum

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